12 Tips for Effectively Giving and Receiving Feedback
Research indicates that employees are hungry for feedback! In general, people want to know where they stand. . . the good, the bad, and even the ugly.
In a workplace environment, we all want to know what our boss, colleagues and clients value and appreciate about us and the work we are doing. We also want to know what others see as our blind spots or development needs. It’s often said that feedback is a gift. Why, then, does it sometimes land with a “plop” or come as an unwelcome surprise?
If you’ve ever needed and wanted to give feedback but avoided it, done it badly, or been on the receiving end of feedback that left you reeling, this presentation can help you. Join us for an interactive session and leave with 12 Tips on giving and receiving feedback more effectively. Learn how to. . .
- Give effective positive and critical feedback
- Receive feedback openly and non-defensively
- Deal with challenging people and deliver tough feedback in a way that strengthens relationships and helps build trust among managers, staff, colleagues and clients
You can do this. We can help.
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