Ginger Ward-Green
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Ginger brings thirty years of training and organization development experience to The WardGreen Group.

Ginger Ward-Green co-owns the WardGreen Group, a training, management consulting and executive coaching business.
Her interest in “the way people and organizations work” started many years ago when she was hired as a Training Associate at UNUM, an insurance company in Portland, Maine. Ginger eventually ran UNUM’s training and development department before moving on to run her own small business doing organization development work, first in Canada, then in the Dallas area, and finally here, after moving back to Bangor in 2005.
With over 25 years in the “people development business”, she is an experienced trainer, facilitator and coach and has worked with individuals and groups on many different issues related to improving individual and organizational effectiveness. She is especially interested in helping people develop confidence and skills related to leadership, team effectiveness, managing conflict and change, and managerial courage.
In 2019, Ginger graduated from a year-long women’s leadership development program called The Power of Self, developed and run by Marsha Clark & Associates out of Dallas, Texas. What she learned through the POS program supports her training and coaching work with women motivated to grow personally and professionally and be more happy, effective and successful with their lives and work.
Ginger is a Master Life Coach certified with the Martha Beck Institute, a certified trainer of Power & System’s Organization Workshop simulation and a long-standing member of the NTL Institute. She is also certified and/or uses the following assessments in her work. . .
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator — a personality assessment
- Lumina Spark — a personality assessment measuring 24 qualities on a continuum (called “trait, not type”) and three unique, integrated views of you. . .
- the underlying you
- the everyday you
- the over-extended you
- Lumina Leader and Lumina Leader 360 – An assessment designed to increase awareness of your unique leadership style and show you how you lead naturally and with authenticity. The Lumina Leader is focused on four balanced domains of leadership:
- Leading with Drive
- Leading to Deliver
- Leading through people
- Leading with Vision
- FIRO-B – an assessment which measures interpersonal needs on three scales: Inclusion, Control, and Affection. It is of particular value because it reveals how interpersonal needs drive people’s behavior and shape people’s ability to build trust, influence others, and create productive relationships.
- Thomas Kilmann Conflict Instrument — the world’s best-selling conflict management tool because it helps trainers, managers, and other professionals conduct productive one-on-one and group discussions about conflict. The instrument helps people understand how using different conflict management styles affects interpersonal and group dynamics, empowering them to choose the best approach for any situation.
- EQ – i 2.0 – assessment which measures Emotional Intelligence
Ginger is also trained to use the Immunity To Change process for individuals and teams developed by Dr. Lisa Lahey and Dr. Robert Keegan, Harvard University Graduate School of Education staff members and co-founders of their leadership development organization. . . Minds at Work.
On the personal side, Ginger enjoys writing, singing and playing piano, gardening, walking/running and spending time with the people she loves. She especially enjoys being “Granny” to her grandchildren and spending time with friends and family. Ginger happily shares her everyday life with her husband, David, her youngest son, Christopher, two kindly but unruly Border Collies named Ruby and Gilis, and Annie, a fabulous cat who believes she may also be a Border Collie in disguise.
Life is good.