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Inspiring others to do great work, and lead their best lives!

Client Outcomes

We focus on executive coaching, assessment coaching, business consulting and facilitation, and developing leaders and teams. We have worked with individuals and organizations of all sizes and from many industries. Here are a few examples that highlight outcomes for work that we have done.

  • Facilitated reduction in operating costs of $1.3M / year.
  • Facilitated development of a strategic plan. After 5 years all goals were met and the company doubled the number of employees.
  • Developed and implemented a “Train The Trainer” plan to help a university implement a strategic plan that had stalled.
  • Facilitated 6 focus groups, developed themes and recommendations for a hospital to improve effectiveness of services and community outreach.
  • Worked with a senior management team to clarify roles and responsibilities, decision making, ground rules for working together, organization structure and to improve team dynamics.
  • Facilitated process to change decision making and conflict resolution processes for the Board and senior management staff, for an organization that was immobilized by conflict.
  • Facilitated focus groups for an organization in crisis. Developed recommendations to solve the problems.
  • Developed a Report on Succession Planning for the Chief Financial Officer of an organization where the current CFO was retiring. The analysis included interviewing the CEO, the Board, the current CFO's Peers and Staff. The report included the skills, competencies and characteristics needed in the next CFO, in the order of importance.
  • Facilitated development of a strategic plan for an organization who wanted to grow their “footprint” through expansion and acquisition.
  • Facilitated discussions to surface unresolved conflict and have it be managed in a constructive way.
  • Facilitated sessions on team dynamics, problem solving and project planning for a regional project team.
  • Facilitated dialogue between two organizations with overlapping objectives in the same service area. Helped them find the best solution for both organizations.
  • Worked with a CEO retiring to create a vision for his retirement and a transition plan for the organization he was leaving. The retirement process went smoothly and the organization continued to thrive under new leadership.
  • Coached a Vice President and his management team to build “bench strength” and leadership competencies. Work done over 8 years.
  • Coached the branch managers of a national engineering company in six locations to develop their leadership capacity and prepare them for larger roles. Used the Leadership Circle 360 assessment with each one.
  • Coached the senior managers of a social services company to develop “bench strength” and prepare them for a major transition. The transition went smoothly.
  • Facilitated one day of leadership training (The Organization Workshop) for the top 25 Dealers of an international corporation. Participants were from Canada and the USA.
  • Coached the leaders of companies in a Business Incubator on the management and leadership skills each leader would need to be successful.
  • Ran a series of public seminars over 3 years for a Business Incubator targeted at entrepreneurs and start-up businesses.
  • Did a Thomas Kilmann Conflict assessment for a Research Center team, followed by individual coaching. Designed and delivered a three hour workshop to strengthen team's skills with managing conflict and engaging in "straight talk".
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